5 Herbs for pregnancy, Postpartum and Breastfeeding Wellness

Including herbs in your nutrition plan for pregnancy and postpartum is a sure way to boost your health. Did you know that most medicines are derived from plants? However, pharmaceuticals are highly concentrated and processed derivatives of plants that appear as foreign objects when consumed in the body.

Since your body hasn't evolved with these chemical compounds, it is up to your liver to detox and metabolize these substances. And it's very hard for the liver to do that.

Humans, on the other hand, have evolved over the centuries using whole plants and preparations of plants such as teas, tinctures and salves. Here are some herbs to consider integrating into your pregnancy and postpartum wellness plan.

1. Alfalfa

Alfalfa is especially helpful for many symptoms of pregnancy. Alfalfa contains a variety of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium and vitamins E, C, and K.

Alfalfa may help reduce morning sickness during pregnancy, increase milk production in nursing mothers, and may help reduce the chance of excessive postpartum bleeding when consumed in tea or capsule form.

2. Moringa 

Moringa is a superfood indigenous to Africa. It is loaded with super nutritious properties and offers abundant health benefits for pregnant and new mothers. Moringa leaves can help pregnant and postpartum women meet their daily iron and calcium needs.

Moringa also contains zinc, vitamin C, iron and vitamin A; All the important trace minerals are known to promote a healthy pregnancy and even when trying to conceive. Moringa leaves can also help stimulate and increase the production of breast milk for postpartum mothers.

3. Nettles

Nettle is the queen herb recommended and used especially by traditional midwives and native workers of the South. Nettles are extremely high in chlorophyll and boast immense bioavailability of iron, vitamin C and magnesium, among other important nutrients.

Bioavailable iron is useful for mothers because it is more easily absorbed and gentle on the digestive tract. Due to the high magnesium and calcium content, nettle can also reduce leg cramps and cramps. Drinking nettle tea after giving birth helps in increasing the richness and quantity of breast milk.

4. Red raspberryleaves

Red raspberry is a mineral-rich tonic that is recommended to support a healthy pregnancy and help tone the uterus and prepare it for birth. The alkaloid in red raspberry, fragrin, has been credited with toning the uterus, which is also helpful in preventing miscarriage and bleeding.

Drinking red tea made from raspberry leaves can provide relief from morning sickness, nausea and upset stomach during pregnancy.

5. Chamomile 

High in magnesium and calcium, chamomile is beneficial in helping to promote rest, relaxation and more peaceful sleep. It is naturally anti-inflammatory and it can nourish joints, ligaments and muscles  to relax and rejuvenate. The pleasant aroma of chamomile tea can help relieve nausea, morning sickness and improve mood. It is also helpful in improving digestion and liver function.


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