Supplements to boost power lifters

Diet is an important part of any athlete's regime, proving to be essential fuel for performance. Although diet alone may not always be able to provide everything you need, it may be due to your deficiency or the fact that some nutrition you cannot take in. That's where supplements come in. In this blog we explore the most beneficial supplements for power lifters.

Before taking the supplement

Before taking a supplement, it is important to check a few things. First, if you're competing as a power lifter, see if your organization allows its competitors to use the supplement. For example, that some organizations such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) test for pseudoephedrine, but others do not. Anyone competing in a meeting approved by this organization who takes a cold medicine containing pseudoephedrine may test positive. Another thing to check is the reputation of the company that manufactures the supplement. In many cases athletes have tested positive for banned substances because they took contaminated supplements. Some supplement companies conduct independent testing on their products to make sure they will not result in a positive drug test.

It is advisable to buy only from reputable supplement companies whose products undergo third party verification testing by organizations such as NSF International. Powerlifting organizations' list of banned substances may contain contraindications; It's important to be aware of these differences and what you're putting into your body. You don't want to get suspended or banned from competing because you didn't read the fine print.

Before using supplements, understand that the foundation of performance comes through proper nutrition; Complements add just a bit of edge.


Which is a naturally occurring substance found in the mitochondria of muscle cells? The human body makes it, and which is also found in food such as red meat. Creatine has many functions for strength athletes. First, it provides additional creatine phosphate for the muscle cell to use in the ATP-PC energy system. What does this mean for a power lifter? This means you can do more repetitions in a training session because your muscles have more juice. It's essentially like switching a 20-watt light bulb for a 40-watt bulb; you get bright light from a 40 watt bulb. Creatine does the same thing for muscle energy production. It is also a cell volumizer. Basically it can says that it draws more water into the muscle cell, or fiber, and increases its size.

Creatine comes in different delivery modes. Creatine monohydrate is effective for increasing size and strength, but some people experience gastrointestinal distress. Other available forms, such as creatine phosphate and creatine citrate, still provide powerful potency benefits but without the gastrointestinal issues.

A typical dosage recommendation for creatine monohydrate is 25 grams per day for one week and 5 grams per day thereafter. The initial loading phase saturates the system to elevate creatine levels, and a maintenance dose of 5 grams keeps the creatine in the system. However, some other types of creatine do not have this loading period.

Creatine is best absorbed when it is taken (or mixed) with something to drive it into the cell, such as a simple sugar like grapefruit juice. The insulin released to carry the sugar into the cell takes the creatine with it. Several studies show that simple carbohydrates such as grapefruit juice greatly accelerate creatine results. However, research suggests that sodium may be just as effective at driving creatine into a muscle cell without the insulin spike. It's good for people who are trying to cut down on carbohydrates and still want to gain the strength of creatine. In addition to just the blood sugar spike, the daily caloric intake is also low. Cutting back everywhere helps you to be as light-weight as possible on the day of the get-together.


Which is very most abundant amino acid in skeletal muscle. It has anticatabolic properties, which means it doesn't build anything but it protects the muscles from further breakdown. Glutamine is also a conditionally essential amino acid. Your body makes it on its own, but also uses it quickly during times of physical stress, such as exercise or illness.

Although it doesn't directly affect strength or muscle mass, glutamine helps you recover by boosting intestinal and immune system health. If you recover more quickly, your body is more prepared for the next training session. The more prepared you are, the harder you will be able to train. The more sessions in a row the more strenuous training you can train, the better results you will get at the end of the training cycle.

Fish oil

Fish oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are high in unsaturated fats. The most relevant benefit to a bodybuilder, beyond the often reported heart health benefits and improved brain function, is less pain and inflammation through regulation of the body's inflammatory cycle. Fish oil prevents and relieves conditions like tendinitis and bursitis. Some research shows that fish oil improves body composition (by reducing body fat) and also reduces fatigue. The recommended dosage is 1,000 mg per day. You can get fish oil by eating fatty fish such as tuna and salmon, but most people prefer to take it as a supplement.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that may help repair and build joint cartilage. Chondroitin is part of a protein that helps with the elasticity of cartilage. Together which are thought to prevent cartilage breakdown and improve joint function. Potential benefits include the following:


·         less pain, especially in the knees

·         more flexibility

·         anti-inflammatory effect

·         no destruction of cartilage

·         better joint lubrication

·         more synovial fluid

·         reconstructive cartilage

·         Relief from symptoms of osteoarthritis

Glucosamine and chondroitin can also reduce the healing time needed for acute joint injuries such as sprained ankles or fingers. If you do not feel better after 8 to 12 weeks, it is unlikely to help. Glucosamine and chondroitin come from shellfish, so don't take supplements if you're allergic to shellfish. The recommended daily dosage is 1,500 to 2,000 mg of glucosamine and 1,200 mg of chondroitin. The liquid form is best because the body absorbs it more easily, but if you can just take capsules, that's acceptable too.



Which is a mineral found naturally in all dairy products as well as some vegetables such as leafy greens and other non-dairy sources? Calcium is essential for muscle contraction, and calcium deficiency is a common cause of cramps. Calcium ions are released to allow a muscle to contract in the cell. If there is no calcium in the cell, no contraction can be achieved. If calcium is low, either not much force is produced or cramps occur. You can ingest calcium through food, but if you have lactose intolerance or can't get enough calcium through diet, two calcium supplement types—calcium carbonate and calcium citrate—are available. Calcium citrate is more easily absorbed through the stomach wall and causes less gastrointestinal distress, but is much more expensive. Calcium carbonate is much cheaper but is not absorbed nearly as much. Some recent studies have shown that taking vitamin D along with calcium helps the body absorb and use calcium, especially in building bones.


Potassium is another mineral used in muscle contraction. Like calcium, potassium deficiency results in either weak muscle contractions or muscle cramps. Potassium is found in white and banana as well as in sweet potatoes and fortified sports drinks.


Sodium is a mineral found in common table salt and most foods. It is necessary to maintain the osmotic balance in the body. Sometimes cramps occur because there is not enough water in the muscles or blood. If cramps occur on the day of the appointment, sodium is a good quick solution to eliminate cramps. Although most foods contain sodium, if you have cramps try to get it through sports drinks. Sports drinks contain a fair amount of sodium and other electrolytes to eliminate cramps.

Magnesium and Zinc

Both magnesium and zinc are needed for proper hormonal function. If you are deficient in one of these minerals, your body lacks the amount of testosterone. If you are unable to get enough from food sources such as nuts or meats, most multivitamins contain minerals.


Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB) has mixed reviews in resistance training. When taken at times of extreme muscle damage, it has been found to enhance recovery effectively. Many supplement companies point to a study conducted by medical professionals to substantiate the effectiveness of HMB. They often neglect to mention that in studies where it was found to significantly increase lean body mass, subjects were AIDS patients and patients who experienced third-degree burns on a large part of their body. Often people claim that HMB will enhance muscle gain in elite athletes and can help prevent muscle loss when dieting in a low-weight category. most important think  lack of evidence of its efficacy may make it not worth taking. Essentially, it is a buyer wary supplement. It might work; this can not be happening. Unless you are dealing with a sick population, the consequences are not obvious.


A naturally occurring substance, caffeine is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. It is a stimulant that attaches to adenosine receptors, which prevents the body from feeling tired. It also accelerates the heart rate through sympathetic autonomic nervous system pathways. The benefits for endurance events are clear as caffeine facilitates lipolysis (the breakdown of fat). When fat is mobilized, the substrate that promotes aerobic metabolism is more readily available, increasing the time to exhaustion. The effect of caffeine on speed, strength and power is unclear, although increased alertness and well-being may increase the desire to train. Thus, it enables the individual to train harder and longer to benefit from the additional workload rather than the ergogenic effect of caffeine.



Good nutrition is every power lifter’s brick and mortar and you may need supplements to fill in any gaps. Supplements provide what you are not able to take in through nutrition, be it minerals and vitamins or performance enhancers such as creatine .always Remember, good nutrition should always be your primary goal. The magic bullet supplement that lets you gain muscle and strength and lose body fat at the same time does not exist.


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