Tinnitus & it’s Cure

Tinnitus is commonly known as “ringing in the ears”, in this condition patient feels auditory sensation without any external stimulation. This medical condition creates a lot of problems in patient’s quality of life. Most of patients have complaints of sleep disorders, depression, altered social communication and less self-confidence which makes day to day survival impossible . Tinnitus is categorised into two parts 1. Subjective Tinnitus- Subjective tinnitus may occur with any disorder effecting or disrupting the auditory pathway . It is thought to be caused by abnormal neuronal activity within the auditory cortex. This activity results once input from the auditory pathway (cochlea, auditory nerve, brain stem nuclei, and auditory cortex) is discontinuous or altered in some manner. This disruption may cause loss of suppression of intrinsic cortical activity and maybe creation of latest neural connections. Some believe the phenomenon is compa...