
Showing posts from February, 2021

Tinnitus & it’s Cure

Tinnitus is commonly known as “ringing in the ears”, in this condition patient feels auditory sensation without any external stimulation. This medical condition creates a lot of problems in patient’s quality of life. Most of patients have complaints of sleep disorders, depression, altered social communication and less self-confidence which makes day to day survival impossible .   Tinnitus is categorised into two parts 1.      Subjective Tinnitus- Subjective tinnitus  may occur with any disorder effecting or disrupting the auditory pathway . It is thought to be caused by abnormal neuronal activity within the auditory cortex. This activity results once input from the auditory pathway (cochlea, auditory nerve, brain stem nuclei, and auditory cortex) is discontinuous or altered in some manner. This disruption may cause loss of suppression of intrinsic cortical activity and maybe creation of latest neural connections. Some believe the phenomenon is compa...

Plants to cure Lyme disease

Lyme disease is a thick bone disease caused by bacteria bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted to humans through bite from infected black legged or deer teak. It causes red rashes, bull- eye pattern, and flu like symptoms. Sometimes, joint pain and weakness also occurs. Symptoms: The early symptoms of Lyme include, fever, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain and swollen lymph nodes. But, when a person goes longer without treatment the Symptoms progress and infected person can uncounted symptoms like, serious headache or neck stiffness, rashes in other areas of the body, arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling, especially in the knees, are the common symptoms of Lyme. Muscle tone loss or "drooping" on one or both sides of the face, heart palpitation or irregular pulse, brain and spinal cord inflammation, shooting pain, numbness, or tingling are also signs. The symptoms may visible from 3 to 30 days after deer teak bite. According to Centre of Disease c...

5 Ayurvedic Medicine for the Treatment of Dementia

  Dementia is not a particular disease. It is a group of conditions like losing memory, problem solving issues, heart problems, and cognitive abilities. The most common cause of Dementia is Alzheimer, a progressive neurological condition in which your brain cell shrinks or die. Brain cell connections and also the cells themselves degenerate and die, eventually destroying memory and different necessary mental functions. Memory loss and confusion are the most symptoms. No cure exists; however, medication and management methods might quickly improve symptoms and today we have common herbs that can help you to improve the symptoms and save your day. Herbal Remedies for Dementia 1. CurcumaLonga : Curcuma Longa is a food spice that has been applied for many medicinal purposes in Ayurveda including neurological disorders. Curcumin and curcuminoids are the key bioactive components of turmeric consisting of three structurally closely related chemical components: curcumin, desm...

4 herbs and spices to boost gut health

Gut Flora is microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, insects, and worms in your body especially in digestive tracts of human body. Conditions such as inflammatory bowel Syndrome are associated with a breakdown in immune tolerance, while exposure to microbial antigens has an important influence on the development of the gut immune system, with likely links to allergies and irritation. Worldwide A large number of people are suffering from gut-associated diseases, in 2010 alone 60-70 million people were reported to suffer from gut diseases in USA.   In Unani, Ayurveda and many other effective Indian Medicines System Gut-Health has given prime importance and many herbs and spices are being used to save your digestive tracts from diseases. Even in modern era taking care of your gut heath is one of the prime concerns as the number of people suffering from it is increasing day by day, for doing so herbs are safe and beneficial to use even after hundreds and thousands of years and are b...