
Showing posts from December, 2020

8 Herbs To Fight This Winter Season!

  As we enter the cold and flu season, it can be convenient to buy over-the-counter solutions for sore throat and stuffy nose. But have you considered increasing your own natural remedies for winter diseases? In earlier times, people often used herbs to treat common ailments. And these medicinal plants are just as useful for fighting congestion, cough, and other cold symptoms as they were before the advent of modern medicine.  In this blog, we will discuss 8 herbs: -     1.        Holy basil: - This flower variety of Tulsi is considered the most sacred herb in Ayurvedic medicine. And for good reason - it fights inflammation, bacteria, and viruses, while helping to reduce pain and fever and prevent disease as an antioxidant. It is quite a work of medicinal herbs. 2.        Mint: - When it comes to growing mint, you have (literally) hundreds of varieties to choose from such as peppermint ginger tea ,...

8 Herbal for Digestion

 Herbs well digestion good well Having problems with digestion can make you really uncomfortable! No one likes heartburn, excess burden or flatulence. People are starting prematurely with digestive issues, which is actually a good thing! When things are not going on with you, there are lots of tried and true natural remedies to help you! When you have difficulty digesting food, there can be a multitude of problems. Pain in the stomach or intestines is the least dangerous part of digestive issues, but it can be a sign from your body that something is going wrong. However, there are many ways to improve digestion, and help you feel better quickly. Many of these herbs are readily available. As times change, I often think that I can buy an herb at a Ambe ns Agro product that we need good exposers of herbal from 10 years ago! Thankfully Off course, I always like to develop my own method. Although many of these herbs can be grown indoors, this is not always possible ... and when ...