4 Herbs for Morning Sickness That May Offer Relief


Nausea, vomiting and early morning awakening are common symptoms in early pregnancy. Collectively, they are commonly known as morning sickness. Morning sickness affects many women in their first trimester (around week six to eight). Although nothing to worry about, morning sickness can be quite unpleasant for some. According to Ayurveda, these symptoms are due to aggravation of pitta dosha. There are three fundamental doshas: vata, pitta and kapha, and good health is considered an ideal state of balance of these three doshas. We will discuss 4 herbs such as ginger, mint, and raspberry

1. Ginger

According to nutritionist Shilpa Arora, "A teaspoon of ginger juice can help reduce the discomfort caused by morning sickness." Ginger juice has stimulating properties that can calm your stomach. You can also substitute ginger tea or ginger candy instead. Ginger may help ease morning sickness. In fact, it has a long history of being used to treat upset stomach. Morning sickness can be very bothersome and irritating, but with a pinch of ginger powder, you can get relief from the pain.

2.    Mint

Shilpa also suggests that chewing on a few fresh mint leaves can help you get rid of nausea. The pungent taste of mint is quite refreshing and cooling. Make sure you are not in the grip of heartburn as mint can only make matters worse. If you are not, drink a light mint tea which will be of great help to you, especially during pregnancy. Consult a doctor before switching to this herb.

3.    Raspberry

Red raspberry leaves contain polyphenols such as flavonoids and tannins, which act as antioxidants in your body and may help protect cells from damage. In addition, Red raspberry leaves contain small amounts of allergic acid, which has been shown to neutralize carcinogens and even contribute to the self-destruction of cancer cells (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source). Which have cancer- fighting ability of red raspberry leaves. In any case, the nutrients in the leaves make red raspberry leaf tea a healthy alternative.

4.    Fennel

This age-old herb has been used for culinary purposes and is consumed as a mouth freshener. A concoction made from fennel in boiling water is a wonderful galactagogue for increasing the supply of breast milk. It is given to the mother after delivery to increase the milk supply. This tea also relieves the child from the problem of stomach and gas.


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